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Monday, October 7, 2019

Hotshots part deux

Generations Select Seige Hotshot is great. The paint is good, even the often complained about battle damage. The posiblity is up to the usual seige standards.  Hotshot was a staple of early 2000s transformers which we really don't  see anymore. Which kind of annoys me. We never see this era get love anymore. Generations is usually a G1 only affair. So getting any Unicron trilogy stuff is great. 

The Hound mold kind of works. Yeah he is usually a car. But we have so many cars with the brash young speedster vibe. In a world of 'Bee, Blurr and Hotrod, Hotshot kind of gets made redundant. That's why this Jeep mode works, he's an offroad warrior who can go where the cars can't. He does his own thing outside the kid appeal car he was. This form based off his upgraded combat vehicle mode. Which makes the lack of both his pals Scattorshot and Redalert kind of glaring. Come on Hasbro... Complete the set!
The transform is a good one. Nothing finicky and the leg compression is spectacular. Kind of bummed I can't leave the ammo clip in place. Upper torso is kind of just business as usual so not much to say.  Although 30 Canadian is rough for a Hound with a new head. New weapons or an effect part would have made it feel a bit more worth the price.
Where to put him? Hotshot actually looks great with most figures. I've found this figure is kind of a chameleon. He fits with Wreckers, Autobot cars, and most of generations. In the end I recommend him, he is a good figure with that early 2000s appeal. Could be the new toy smell but I have no real complaints.